Guda Residents demand permanent Housing – GateWay News Ug


Locals residing at Guda Landing site in Katabi parish, Entebbe Municipality have asked the Municipal leadership to allow them erect permanent housing facilities.

The residents made the plea during a visit by Entebbe Municipality Deputy Mayor, Charles Kabwama on Friday 20th May 2022. During the same visit, Kabwama handed over relief items worth millions of shillings from a faith based nonprofit, Life Saver Missionaries (LSM).

The relief items including food items, soap, sugar, clothes among other items were distributed to over 200 residents of the landing site.

Guda landing site chairperson, David Kaaya said residents continue to live in uncertainty since they are not allowed to construct permanent homes. “We continue to live in make-shift houses, this degrades our quality of life,

“We want our landing site to be recognized, so that we can be able to develop the facilities here. There is a lot that needs to be done especially in the area of health and education. We have only one tap where we all draw clean water and its very expensive. The latrine that we do have is in a very poor state and can not serve all of us here, we seek your assistance on this particular matter.” he said

Kaaya also revealed that they were able to acquire space for the construction of a modern latrine, but they have been unable to find funds for the project.

In response, Kabwama who also doubles as the health secretary at the Municipal council said he had noted the matters addressed to him with great concern. He furthermore revealed that plans are already underway to improve facilities across Entebbe.

” As the Municipal council, we are going to liaise with National water to extend public stand pipes to the area, through this we shall be able to avail cheaper water and as well create employment for you,

“We have allocated money to the health docket and I hope we can move towards the construction of an improved latrine, and working with our many partners especially LSM we shall make it a point that we can at least find ways to support the people here.” he added

The Deputy Mayor challenged his constituents to organise themselves into savings groups in order to access low interest incomes and as well garner support from government.

Kabwama also encouraged the residents to embrace government initiatives such as Emyooga, Parish Development Model among others and he also delivered a donation of UGX 500,000 towards the Guda Women’s Development SACCO.

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