Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is with great honor and a sense of profound responsibility that I stand before you today as we witness the opening of our School of Leadership. 

This institution is not just a school; it is a beacon of hope, a forge where the mettle of our current and future leaders will be tested, shaped and refined. 

We want to equip our leaders with the skills and competences necessary to help them navigate the murky waters of regime change and guide our nation through the inevitable transition that awaits once dictator Museveni falls. 

We want to nurture them, enhance their decision-making skills, and to imbue them with the clarity of our mission so they can pass it on with conviction and eloquence.

Remember comrades: we are in a country whose political landscape evolves by the day. As such, I can not overstate our urgent need for adept, articulate, and visionary leaders. 

As the National Unity Platform, we recognize this urgency and are committed to nurturing a new breed of leaders who are not only politically conscious but also literate in the art of governance and public service.

Our leadership school opens its doors at a pivotal moment in our history. Despite helping, for years, our young learners to appreciate Uganda’s political history and the dynamics that shaped the country we currently call home, the Museveni regime recently scrapped it off our national curriculum. Opening this school is our humble contribution towards filling the void left and ensure that every citizen has the opportunity to learn, to lead, and to contribute to the democratic process.

Our path to a brighter, New Uganda must be paved pavedwith the principles of integrity, transparency, and accountability. It is our hope that the leaders from this school will be the standard-bearers of these values. 

We need leaders who will not only resist the temptations of power but also actively work to dismantle the structures that enable them. As such, the students at this school shall be trained to shun the corruption, abuse of office, and other malpractices that have for far too long plagued our political landscape. 

Of course, we are aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Our young leaders brim with potential but they have yet to harness their full capabilities.

By subjecting them to rigorous training in communication, strategy, and policy formulation, we will empower them to realise their potential. We will empower them to articulate the vision of the National Unity Platform and bring about the regime change that our country so desperately needs.

So let us not be deterred by the obstacles placed before us. The attempts to stifle civic consciousness in Uganda and mass participation in politics should only fuel our determination. We have the duty and right to ensure that every Ugandan is equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to participate actively in our democracy.

It is my sincere hope that this school will be the forge from which emerges a new generation of leaders — leaders who are not only equipped to bring about change but are also the embodiment of the change we seek. Leaders who will not only dream of a Uganda free from the shackles of dictatorship but will also be the architects of its liberation.

As we open this School, I call upon each one of you to embrace the spirit of leadership and political consciousness. 

Whether you are a current or prospective leader within our party, or a citizen with a passion for public service, this school shall be your gateway to making a meaningful impact on our nation’s future.

That is why I stand before you filled with hope: Hope for the leaders who will emerge from this school. Hope for the future they will help build. And hope for a Uganda that will flourish under their guidance.

Together, we will rise to the occasion and build a Uganda that is not only united but also strong, just, and prosperous.

Thank you

President Kyagulanyi Ssentamu Robert giving his remarks during the official opening of the NUP Leadership School at Kamwokya