Mukono painted red as NUP Nationwide Tour returns


The NUP revolutionary trail has been greeted with a triumphant entry to Mukono Municipality which has been our first successful gathering since the revival of our #NUPCountryWideTour2.

Also important to note, this is our first open engagement with the people of Mukono. Earlier attempts to interface with our supporters in Kamuli, and Pallisa were violently thwarted by police till today, following our Monday round-table engagement with the police to clarify what exactly was inspiring their sabotage of our legitimate mobilization.

This Wednesday morning, the President H.E Kyagulanyi Ssentamu Robert convened the troops at our revolutionary home in Makerere Kavule and briefed them ahead of the trail. He appealed for discipline and tasked our online media team to keep the cameras on so that any atrocities by security operatives are captured on record.

At exactly 10am, the trail hit the road for Mukono. Most of our leaders at Local Council and MPs joined the entourage. The convoy reached Mukono District and was warmly welcomed by comrade Betty Nambooze who is our Municipality MP for this jurisdiction. The dance tune hit entitled “Bobi Bobi 🎶” was the order of the road. People braved long walks to accompany us to the isolated Njogezi grounds where we secured a venue to host our rally.

Our party Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya, Spokesperson Joel Ssenyonyi who doubles as the leader of the Parliamentary front, Deputy President for Northern Dr. Lina Zedriga Waru, Deputy Spokesperson Alex Waiswa Mufumbiro, Youth Wing leader Zaake Francis, head of entertainment Buken Ali aka Nubian Li, councillors, several MPs, artistes and members of the entertainment industry, among others were in full attendance.


Hon. Betty Nambooze

“A lot has been said. It’s time to put our words into action,” she said. “Many shall betray us, but let’s remain steadfast and firm. I will never foresake the president and the people’s struggle. When some leave, there will be a vacuum for others to join us. I want to request the president to allow me to recruit dangerous substitutes in spaces that have been vacated by those who have abandoned the people’s struggle,” she added.

SG David Lewis Rubongoya

“All of us must be duty-bound. Museveni and his gluttonous crew are on the dining table eating everything and throwing scraps at us. It’s time for us to rise and say enough is enough,” he said.

“The Registration exercise has been deferred to a later. Please reach out to your leaders and focal persons to register as members,” he added.

Nyanzi Fred Ssentamu

Chanted the “Kunga” slogan inviting ululations from the crowd.

“We’ve done our part. Kyagulanyi has done everything humanly possible to make this country better. Change is ripe. I appeal to each of you to teach and awaken one another. Continue doing the great work,” he said.

LoP Joel Ssenyonyi applauded the people of Mukono for ashaming the regime that tried to instill fear in the masses.

“You people of greater Mukono have exposed the regime and its cronies. We’ve been tagged to violence but our president has always maintained non-violence in his rhetoric. Yesterday, I received a call from the Kampala Metropolitan Police Commander Steven Tanui acknowledging that our rally can proceed. But to our surprise today, they barricaded the road to the town centre and tasked us to use alternative remote routes. But I want to thank all of you who have walked long distances to come and be part of this history

he said.

,” he added.

These people wanted to provoke us into violence, but we maintained our calm and here we are today. In parliament is where we deliberate issues, tackle corruption. I am happy that you all understand what we do. Keep pressing for accountability for your taxes

he added.

The LoP also challenged the priorities of the regime, which now plans to relocate the historical Luzira Prisons to greater Mukono area.

“My comrades of Mukono. Do you prefer a prison to schools, factories and hospitals?,” and the crowds responded unanimously with a “NO”.

He updated the electorate with the progress of the censure motion, and applauded MPs who have appended their signatures to the motion.

Money meant for service delivery is being stolen by a few individuals. We are serious with our zero tolerance for corruption. We don’t condone corruption and we are ready to offload anybody no matter the ranks in the party, as long as that person is nabbed in corruption,” he said. “In our government, all the corrupt will be imprisoned,”

He added.

The President:

The President was welcomed by the Deputy President Dr. Zedriga. They danced to the cryptic Nalumansi song amidst cheers from the gathering.

The President recounted how he was blocked from accessing Mukono during the 2021 campaigns.

He condemned the regime for leaving a serving military officer to do politics contrary to the constitutional provisions that prohibit soldiers from participating in partisan politics.

He told NUP supporters that he is not any different from them. “I am not different from you. I was touched by the impoverishment, bad governance and all the bad policies. I had to abandon my music career to be directly involved. Our People Power movement is premised on the ideas of the common person.

We should not leave governance to engineers, lawyers and elites. You have a role to play in making this country better,” he said. “I didn’t contest for leadership just for clout, No. I already had my name and fame. I simply joined this to make a difference. You know the people who have impoverished our country. Your taxes are being stolen daily. Museveni and State House use UGX 2bn per day as their expenditure. Parliament is a rubber stamp House. Anita Among is also looting from the national coffers,” he added.

He decried the wasteful expenditure by the regime.

“Your money is used to buy guns. Don’t you want the good roads instead of prisons? Each of you and your own children are indebted. You and your children owe UGX 2m to clear the national debt and this shall take us about 97 years to settle this debt,” he said.

On his foreign trips, the President maintained that he only travels to influence sanctions and aid cuts to the regime.

“This is a global village. The world is watching. Whenever we engage our development partners, we inform them that we will not pay back their loans which are spent on our oppression. I am happy to inform you that the aid is being cut, and more sanctions are coming. We do this on the Foreign front,” he said.

On sabotage of NUP mobilization activities, the President says the reason is obvious.

“The people in power fear a united people. They don’t want us to unite together for a cause. We are doing these tours to remind you that we are still on track and we’ve never backed down. We want to project a solid message. Unlike previous opposition leaders, it is in our time that drones have showed up. They’ve abducted so many youths in Buganda,” he said. “I thank all of you for remaining resilient,” he added.

The President condemned the incarceration of Latif Madoi, an international award winning fashion designer. He also expressed empathy with the abducted youths and all political prisoners.

“These people go after you to instill fear in you and inspire you to back down. I ask you to stay on track. Don’t give up no matter what. The abductions, imprisonment and everything have all failed. Museveni has now resorted to using the consolidated fund to bribe some of your leaders to detract you from the struggle,” he said.

“Whoever betrays you, stay on track. We will stick to the values and principles that we preached to you. We are not your bosses, you are our bosses. The struggle will go on no matter who Museveni buys. I promised you that I will not turn a blind eye to anybody who engages in corruption,” he said. “Most media houses are on Museveni’s payroll.

That is why what I’m saying here cannot be broadcast or aired anywhere. Museveni has been using money to infiltrate political parties. As long as I’m still the head of NUP, we shall not tolerate corruption. If we condone corruption, we shall not have any reason to condemn Museveni,” he added.

Museveni rigs elections to demoralize you from participating in legitimate means of regime change.

“He wants you to stop participating in elections so that he imposes his own clowns in critical positions. Don’t you ever lose hope in participating in elections. Time shall come when your vote will matter,” Bobi said. “We come to you because the power is with you. Do not ever lose hope. Never be enslaved. This is your country and you do have a voice,” he added.

The President tasked his supporters to remain calm and disciplined as he leads the troops to Masaka on Friday May 31st. The rally ended at exactly 6:30pm and the president led back his troops to Kampala.