New Members welcomed to NUP


On Thursday, our Party secretariat received over 270 individuals who switched their allegiance to our revolutionary cause and ditched their respective political parties especially the ruling NRM party. The converts were graced with a pompous party that was mired with a band performance and some musical fete by artistes and entertainers aligned to the people’s struggle.

FDC’s Hon. Batuwa Timothy was also present to witness the momentous occasion and he was welcomed by the President who even gifted him a red beret of the People Power struggle.

Amongst the new members include former Members of the tenth Parliament affiliated to the NRM regime who eventually lost their seats in 2021 after opposing the removal of the age limit, Article 102(b) from the Constitution. These include Hon. Muyanja Ssenyonga (former Mukono South MP), Hon. Sarah Nakawunde Temulanda (Former Mpigi woman MP), and Hon. Iddi Lubyaayi (former Bukomansimbi North MP) who had in 2017 teamed up with the then Kyadondo East MP Hon. Kyagulanyi Ssentamu and other opposition leaders to oppose the scrapping of the Presidential term limits in the tenth Parliament. The regime fought back and ensured that they could not assume their legislative seats in the 2021 polls.

While addressing a large enthusiastic crowd of change seekers that filled our grand arena at the Party Headquarters on Thursday August 29th, the President H.E Kyagulanyi Ssentamu welcomed the converts and urged them not to be tempted by the offers of the regime, and most importantly confine themselves to the revolutionary cause of the people of Uganda.

“Our strength lies in our unity and commitment to the cause,” the president said. “We are the People Power Movement and the NUP is just our vehicle that we started towards the 2021 elections as a formal elective platform… Friends, your decision to join us today is a pivotal one and a vote of confidence in our agenda,” told the converts as he commended them for joining NUP. He recounted their support for the struggle during the 2017 campaign against the age limit despite their then affiliation to the ruling party.

“Friends that are joining us, I want to tell you that you’re not just joining another opposition political party, no. For us we are on a mission to remove Museveni and go ahead to build a nation that will make all people proud,” he said. “Every sector is rotten; the health, education and infrastructure are all in a sad state,” he added.

He lashed out at the regime for misplacing priorities and wastefully spending taxpayers money on the regional sessions of Parliament.

He emphasized that the NUP struggle transcends political positions.

“I must emphasize to you who are joining us that we are not in business as usual. It is not for positions and I’m glad that the senior leaders have mentioned it. Our mission is beyond achieving positions,” he warned. “Our mission is to liberate our country. We know that it’s clear to the population. Ugandans know and understand their mission,” he added. The President also asked the people to identify their problem (Museveni), suggest solutions to it and take action.

The head of our Kunga mobilization drive Fred Nyanzi Ssentamu welcomed the converts and informed them that NUP is a great choice for them.

The Party Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya welcomed the new members and called on party members to embrace them.

The event was interrupted by a heavy downpour that lasted for nearly 30 minutes. It proceeded colorfully with converts from the Busoga subregion gifting the party leaders and the President with some of their harvest.

The Leader of our Parliament Front Joel Ssenyonyi lashed out at the proponents of the movers of a Bill that seeks to amend the Administration of Parliament Act to enable the entire opposition parties in Parliament to elect their Leader of the Opposition.

“Some of them, clearly being used by the speaker and the NRM. They are mooting a motion saying, now we want the Leader of the Opposition to be elected by the entire Parliament (entire opposition). We have never been afraid of any democratic process as you know. But clearly this (amendment) is because of the pressure that we have as a team been exerting and we continue to exert on them. And we shall not stop,”-LoP Joel Ssenyonyi said.

The president was treated to a surprise cake congratulating him upon his graduation with a Bachelors Degree in Law attained last month at Cavendish University. He was also gifted a hand drawn art piece portrait of his graduation photo.

At the occasion, the President handed over a fleet of vehicles that will support our nationwide mobilization activities in each region of the country.