NUP Mobilization Tour Temporarily Halted to Mourn Fallen Comrades



The National Unity Platform expresses its profound gratitude to the great people of Masaka for the record reception accorded to us on Friday, May 31, 2024. We thank our people for defying all odds and showing up to listen to the revolutionary message. You sent a clear message to Gen. Museveni and his agents that you are determined, as always, to stand on the right side of history.

We express deepest condolences to the families of three Ugandans who perished in an accident around Maya. We have established from onlookers that the accident happened after our convoy had left the scene. We challenge the police to conduct efficient, independent and expeditious investigations to establish the cause of the accident.

In following with our tradition, we have reached out to the families of those who lost lives, some of whom were ardent supporters of NUP, and extended support to them.

Finally, we have seen the police statement in which Mr. Fred Enanga yet again announced another illegal, blanket ban on our activities, like they have regularly done. While we undertake to enforce greater discipline and responsibility in our activities, we take strong exception to the partisan, illegal statement by the police. Regrettably, they continue to act in a clearly partisan manner. Just yesterday, we saw activities, including processions, being conducted by other political groups leaning toward the NRM. We have repeatedly asked them why they continue to target NUP! We have seen many road accidents happen before or after events of other political groups. The police never come out to issue blanket bans on their subsequent events. Police says the driver of the car which caused the accident fled the scene. We hope they will trace this person, conduct thorough investigations into the cause of the accident, and bring the culprits to justice instead of finding a convenient excuse to yet again halt our activities.

That said, as we have demonstrated, we are open to engaging with the leadership of the Uganda Police on any matter because we are law-abiding citizens.

In the meantime, we have decided to postpone our scheduled activity in Mityana next week as we mourn with the bereaved families. We shall put out a new schedule in due course.

Once again, we want to assure the people of Uganda that despite these challenges, the revolutionary train will reach them in all corners of the country – one way or another.